Xizihao Daughter Tea

2019 心經妙韻 Heart Sutra - Tianmenshan

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Key Information

Place of Origin:Tianmenshan(National Protected Forest)


Overall Experience: Has strong young gushu characteristics  (tropical fruity, sweet aromatics along with an oily and rich mouthfeel) Strong body feel

Vintage:2019 Autumn

“During last year’s storm, a chawangshu (very old tea tree) of Tianmenshan collapsed and broke into two - a huge loss for the community. To commemorate the loss, we decided to change the wrapper for our autumn Tianmenshan tea and requested calligrapher Wu Ji Ru to create a design based on the Heart Sutra for the protection of healthy growing ancient tea trees.

Yunnan’s ancient tea gardens need to be protected to preserve them for our future generations. They cannot be cut down or dwarfed or have contact with pesticides. While the hype for these trees continues, only tea lovers can come together and protect them as well as the government.”

- Tony Chen, 2019