Xizihao Daughter Tea

2017 爬樹茶 春 Tianmenshan - Spring

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Key Information

Place of Origin: Tianmenshan (National Protected Forest)


Overall Experience:refined and has semi-aged gushu characteristics (slightly medicinal but overall more uplifting and has more tropical fruity, sweet aromatics) Very satisfying tea

Vintage:2017 Spring

"We traveled several hours by motorbike up the mountains to this site. The very slippery, muddy roads made it extremely difficult to go up the mountain, even on a motorbike. The roads are dangerous and if you’re not careful you could fall off into the valley. 
That same day we picked fresh leaves from the 25 meter Chawang tree to boil with pork and other Yunnanese spices to create a delicious dish. A delicacy that filled our bellies up with happiness.
On the way back, we could only walk in the mud because the motorbike would slip. We all laughed and said “this is a type of wealth and experience that can’t be exchanged with money!”

- Tony Chen, 2017