Xizihao Daughter Tea

2012 八週年紀念餅 Eighth Anniversary Special Set

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The 2012 Eighth Anniversary Special Set features seven classic recipes, each a masterpiece crafted by Mr. Chen. This exclusive collection, housed in a single tong, represents the variety of ancient tea gardens and forests throughout Yunnan. It offers a unique opportunity to experience and age a diverse range of teas conveniently.

The seven cakes included are 

2012 雪山春露 Snow Mountain Spring Dew 
2012 傳世珍寶 Legacy of Treasures 
2012 囍上眉梢 Elegant Brows
2012 易武茶皇 Yiwu Chahuang
2012 滇古原茶 Diangu 
2012 老烏山古茶 Laowushan
2012 經典倚邦 Classic Yibang