Xizihao Daughter Tea

2019 大紅囍印 - 甲級 Hongyin Grade A

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Key Information

Place of Origin:Banzhang + Nannuoshan  


Overall Experience:has potent young gushu characteristics ( tropical fruity, sweet aromatics along with an oily and rich mouthfeel) Strong body feel

Vintage:2019 Spring 

“First release of 2019 ~
Xizihao Hongyin (Grade A) is a killer tea that beats a lot of Banzhang teas.
Maybe describing it like that is an exaggeration, but that's the only way I can put it!
The cakes finished drying this afternoon and I couldn’t wait to try some.
Although the tea has excess humidity and a weaker profile, there is still a rich orchid fragrance that spreads throughout the pallet. 
Good tea is hard to encounter.
A piece drunk is a piece gone!"

- Tony Chen, 2019